Welcome to the Salem UMC On-line Giving Website FAQ’s

What is the benefit of this option?

On-line giving simplifies your contributions by decreasing the number of checks you write to the church. No more forgetting your check or quickly writing as you are running out the door to attend worship service. This option helps to ensure consistent donations throughout the year, particularly at times you cannot attend, i.e. inclement weather, vacation, or other.

Do I have to go to the web site each time I want to contribute?

No. You can set up a recurring payment schedule. Just click the “Recurring” box, and then choose the frequency you want: weekly, every 2 weeks, monthly, or every 3 months. You can choose the number of payments or give an ending date for a specific recurring contribution amount. However, if you want to make single/special donation, you can go to the web site each time you want to make a contribution.

Are there any fees?

No, not for you the giver. But yes for Salem UMC, but it is minimal. Salem’s board agreed that it is a worthy expense that will benefit all members.

How do I participate in the offering during the worship service if I give On-line?

If you wish, you can mark your envelope "Offering Sent On-line" before placing it in the offering plate.

How can I keep a record of the amount I have contributed?

Your bank statement and/or your credit card statement will include an itemized list of automatic gifts given from your account. Salem UMC will also continue to provide you with your regular annual contribution statement.

Currently, when I make a donation in the offering plate, which fund does it go to if I do not specify a fund?

It goes to the General Fund.

Is my account information secure?

Yes, your account numbers are not accessible to anyone at Salem UMC including the treasurer. Vanco is the company that handles all security and has been recommended and endorsed by Indiana United Methodist Church.

Will I still be able to give to special offerings if I give on-line?

Yes. We encourage your participation in special offerings. We do accept on-line donations for the Building Fund, College Scholarship, Missions, Youth, etc. We will identify other offering opportunities and you can list any special programs announced during worship service under "Other." You can also give a memorial donation.